Other Services

Radon Measurement – 

Iowa is one of the leading states in prevalence of radon. Radon is an odorless, invisible gas that is released in the air due to the breakdown of radioactive material in certain types of soil.  It is considered by the EPA to be the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

Although the complete effects and damages caused by radon are subject to debate, it is often a concern to an Iowa home-buyer.  Using a continuous radon monitor we can provide a detailed report showing the radon levels in the home and allow the potential buyer to have a complete picture of their home prior to purchase.

Mold Inspections/Testing- 

A mold inspection can help determine whether you have had moisture intrusion in your home in the past or currently. If a musty smell has you concerned or wondering let us help. Full Trust is trained to inspect and take samples when needed to determine where and what is going on in your home.

Click Here To Schedule An
Inspection Online

Full Trust Home Inspection Services
Clive, Iowa
