* All inspections are customized to your specific needs. While our whole home inspections start at $300, and townhouse/condo at $225, we can give you a more personalized quote by phone or email.
** Veterans will always receive a $50 discount on inspections
Our exhaustive inspection will be performed in approximately 3 hours on average. The finalized report will include digital photography and roughly 20-30 pages of noted observations. The buyer is invited to be present during this inspection and follow the inspector so he can ensure you feel comfortable with the findings and terms used in the report. The inspection itself will entail the following items:
- Roof: Shingles, flashings, chimneys, vents, trim and gutters, drip edges, skylights, downspouts, and other visible roof related items.
- Attics: Insulation, ventilation, rafters, joists and collar ties, trusses, wiring attachments, and other visible related items.
- Plumbing and Fixtures: Water pressure, water distribution system, water heaters, hose bibs, sinks and faucets, bath/showers and toilets, sanitary systems, and other plumbing system components.
- Interior: Floors and ceilings, walls, stairs (if applicable) and banisters, finishes, sinks, cabinets, shelving, built-in appliances, smoke detectors and safety-related items, and other visible interior-related components.
- Heating and Cooling Systems: Furnace, air cleaning parts, ductwork, air conditioner and lines, and other visible related HVAC components.
- Electrical Systems: Service entry and clearances, service panel, switches and outlets, visible wiring and junction boxes, grounding system, and other related electrical components.
- Basements, Crawl Spaces, and Foundation: Insulation, ventilation, posts, vapor barriers, utility attachment, structural items, floors and walls, and columns.
- Exterior: Siding materials, attachments, windows, doors, sashes and lintels, vents, entryways, and other visible exterior related components.
- Decks and Porches
- Environmental Issues
- Fireplaces
- Overall Structure
Use the search box below to look up any terms you may not be familiar with.
Home Inspection Glossary
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Full Trust Home Inspection Services
Clive, Iowa